We all know that children are tactile learners. So, why not "play" Bible lessons together in addition to reading them?

It's easy to get started!
Pick a lesson,
grab the materials,
have fun and Godspeed!
Previous Lesson: I am the Gate
Dear Parent:
The goal of this week's lesson is to show your child how easy it is to accept Jesus' love and be with Him through eternity. It's as easy as walking through a gate. Have fun and Godspeed!
Materials Needed: Blocks and toy farm animals
Scripture Reference: John 10:7-9
I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep...whoever enters through me will be saved.
Today's Script:
I am so excited to play! Today, we are going to play with farm animals!
We need to build a pasture for our farm animals and sheep, don't we?
This will be fun. Let’s build a big square for our pasture. The pasture will be where our animals live happily, graze on yummy grass, and spend time with the farmer or shepherd. Let's put all the animals on the outside of the pasture for now.
(Build the fence of the pasture together.)
Good job! Now, how do we get each of the animals into the pasture to live, eat and play?
(Let your child answer.)
We need a gate! The gate will be closed, but it will be able to open for the animals to get in. So, where do we want to animals to enter the pasture?
(Let your child answer.)
Perfect. That is where we can make our gate.
(Build/make the gate together.)
You know, Jesus talked about gates in the bible. Jesus said that He was a gate! You heard me correctly! Jesus called Himself a gate! Do you want to know why?
(Let your child answer.)
Well, think for a moment that we are like sheep.
(Point to the sheep/farm animals.)
Now, think that the pasture is like Heaven.
(Outline the pasture with your fingers.)
AND, imagine that God is the like shepherd. The only way for a sheep to GET INTO the the pasture to be with the shepherd is through the GATE.
So, in the same way, the only way for us to GET INTO heaven to be with God is through Jesus!!!
Jesus is the GATE!!!
Let’s take this little farm animal here. Do you think it wants to go into the pasture to be with the shepherd? Of course! How does he GET IN?
(Let your child answer.)
YES! He goes through the gate!
(Open the gate, let the the animal through the gate, and close the gate.)
Now, let’s pretend that I am like the farm animal. Do you think I want to go into heaven to be with God? Of course! How do I GET IN?
(Let your child answer.)
YES!! I go “through Jesus”! By believing in Jesus, loving Jesus, and accepting Jesus’ love for me, “through Jesus” I will be able to get into heaven. YAY!!!
Next, let’s take this other little farm animal here. Do you think it wants to go into the pasture to be with the shepherd? Of course! How does he GET IN?
(Let your child answer.)
YES! He goes through the gate too!
Now, let’s pretend that you are like the farm animal. Do you want to go into heaven to be with God when the time comes? Of course! How do you GET IN?
(Let your child answer.)
YES!! You can go “through Jesus” too! By believing in Jesus, loving Jesus, and accepting Jesus’ love for you, “through Jesus” you will be able to get into heaven too. YAY!!!
Can we play with all of the farm animals and let them into the pasture through the gate?
(Let your child answer.)
(Play together. Reiterate the lesson while you play. Godspeed!)