We all know that children are tactile learners. So, why not "play" Bible lessons together in addition to reading them?

It's easy to get started!
Pick a lesson,
grab the materials,
have fun and Godspeed!
Previous Lesson:
Wants and Needs

Dear Parent,
The goal of this week's lesson is to enjoy this festive time of year and to continue to bring Jesus into our long-standing traditions. Writing a letter to Santa creates the perfect opportunity to write a letter to God too. Combining these two activities can help your child understand the difference between wants and needs. It is fun to take the time to write a "Santa letter" filled with Christmas wishes and wants. It is sacred to take the time to write a letter to God filled with needs and thanks.
Materials Needed: Paper, Pencil and Crayons
Bible Scripture: Isaiah 58: 11
The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
Today’s Script:
What an exciting time of the year! I love Christmas time, don't you?
(Let your child answer.)
Do you remember why we celebrate Christmas?
(Let your child answer.)
YES! It is the day that Jesus was born!
During Christmas time, we usually write a letter to Santa. This year we still can, AND we are going to write another letter too! We are going to write a letter to God.
Our Santa letter usually has our Christmas wishes and wants, right? What is one thing you will ask for in your Santa letter this year?
(Let your child answer.)
Great! In our God letter, we aren't going to ask for things we want. We are going to ask and give thanks for things we need.
Do you know the difference between wants and needs?
(Let your child answer.)
Well, wants are things that we would like to have. Needs are things that we simply can't live without.
Are you ready to start writing our letter to God? I sure hope so!
We can start the letter out a similar way.
"Dear God,"
(If your child is old enough to write, this is perfect time to practice lettering and spelling. If not, you both can compose the letter together. If your child is somewhere in between, let him/her start, but you can take over before the spiritual lesson gets lost in the writing process.)
Now, it's time to brainstorm things that we need. What do we need to survive on earth?
(Let your child answer and help them along with prompts for our physical needs: air, water, food, clothing and shelter.)
Good job! Let's write that down:
"Thank you for meeting my needs."
"Thank you for air."
"Thank you for water,"
"Thank you for food."
"Thank you for clothing."
"Thank you for shelter."
Let's think of some other things God gives us that we need everyday.
(Let your child answer and help them along with prompts for our hearts' needs: love, Jesus, forgiveness, safety, family, and the reason for Christmas.)
Good job! Let's write those down too!
"Thank you for loving me."
"Thank you for sending Jesus."
"Thank you for forgiving me when I do something wrong."
"Thank you for keeping me safe."
"Thank you for my family."
""Thank you for Christmas. Without Jesus being born on Christmas, there could be no Easter. And without Jesus rising on Easter, I would never be saved from my sin, and I wouldn't get to meet you in heaven."
"I love you, God."
"From: <insert your child's name>"
What a lovely letter we wrote! Now, on Christmas morning, we can thank Santa for a gift while we give many thanks to God for meeting all our needs!
Should we decorate the letter together?
(Let your child answer.)
Wonderful! AMEN!