We all know that children are tactile learners. So, why not "play" Bible lessons together in addition to reading them?

It's easy to get started!
Pick a lesson,
grab the materials,
have fun and Godspeed!
Previous Lesson: Forgiveness
Dear Parent: The goal of this week’s lesson is to help your child grasp the concept of forgiveness. It is a complex phenomenon, but the sooner your child can understand it - the sooner he/she can begin to receive it. Praise God for that.
Materials Needed: Dry erase markers and Dry erase board (or dry erase compatible surface).
Scripture Reference: Mark 2:5, 10
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, "Son, your sins are forgiven...But Iwant you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins."
Today's Script:
TODAY's lesson makes me a little sad and very happy at the same time. Isn’t it funny that we can have opposite feelings all at once?
The first thing we need to do is think about the last things we did wrong?
(Think of a true instance of disobedience or an actual mistake that your child made recently.)
Do you remember yesterday when you...(insert example here)?
Let’s draw a picture of what happened on this dry erase board here.
(Draw the picture together.)
It’s crazy to think that this mistake WOULD be enough to keep you out of heaven forever. Each mistake that we make in life is a sin and separates us from God.
BUT, thank goodness Jesus was born at Christmas, lived a perfect life, and arose on Easter because HE SAVES YOU from your sin and FORGIVES you for your sin!
Jesus wipes away your sin as easily as we can wipe our sad picture off of the dry erase board!
So, when God looks at you, He no longer sees your sin. He sees you as perfectly clean. He sees you as clean as this board.
We can be so very happy and thankful for THAT!
Now, let’s think of an example of when I did something wrong.
(Think of a true and innocuous instance in which you sinned recently.)
Do you remember when I ...(insert example here)?
Let’s draw a picture of what happened.
This mistake WOULD be enough to keep me out of heaven forever.
BUT, thank goodness Jesus was born at Christmas, lived a perfect life, and arose on EASTER because He SAVES ME from my sin and forgives me for my sins!
Jesus wipes away my sin as easily as we can wipe our sad picture off of the dry erase board!
So, when God looks at me, He no longer sees my sin. He sees me as perfectly clean. He sees me as clean as this board.
Would you like to think of another example? Let’s do and draw another picture together.
(Play on word together until your child is done and finish in prayer.)
Dear God, thank you for Jesus. Thank you for forgiveness. Please help me do my best to obey and make good choices, but, when I do make a mistake, thank you for erasing it and loving me anyways. AMEN